The Joy of Family Photos ~ Atlanta Lifestyle Photographer

From the time that I can first remember I’ve always been fascinated by family photos. As a kid I would look through my Grandmothers photo albums and marvel “THATS what my dad looked like when he was younger?” “OMG Look at those outfits everyone wore!”

It seemed that each photo had a story that went along with it. I’d bring a photo to my grandmother and she’d say “Oh yes, I remember this one” before sharing memories with me I had not heard before. The pictures that always stood out to me were the candid ones - the ones that told stories and didn’t just show me what the people looked like but showed me who they were. My love for un-posed and heartfelt family photos continues today and it’s the basis I run my business on. I imagine the day the children I photograph pull out their photos to share with their own grandchildren one day. I like to image the stories and memories the photographs spark.

One day all that will be left of us are stories and photographs, and I like to think I play just a little part in helping my clients pass on that legacy.

Photographs from a recent family session.